Thursday, July 22

Try-bot a sumo version

The robot:
I built this robot as a sumo version of the NXT 1.0 tribot(base).
all I did to the tribot was add a lifter to the front and move the US to a better position.
I also limited my piece usage to allow NXT 2.0 users to build this bot.

The RC opponent:
I purposed in my mind to not stop work on the program for the autonomous bot until it could beat a human controlled sumo at least 2 bouts out of 3. To accomplish this goal, I built a robot using the Power Functions system.

The Board:
The board was built using a 2' x 2' x 1/2" piece of plywood. I tacked a white sheet to it and with a compass drew a black circle. Electrical tape stretches, so I used that to go around the circle.

I don't know how to post .rbt or .ldd files, so I'll link to NXTLog where you can find them.
You can see more pictures here.


  1. neeed insturctions please

    1. It has been quite a while since I have been here! I will see what I can do though. :)


    2. Okay, here is the link to this project over on the NXTLog, I have an LXF file for LDD and a program file for NXT-G. I have been told that the program file is corrupted, but as I have no way of retrieving or recreating it, all I can say is sorry. The LXF file should be in working order though, so here is the link now:

