Thursday, November 25

Follow up: Thanksgiving

This information is no longer available. To view what used to be here, please visit the Legoton Press (my other blog.)

Thursday, November 11

A report on Legoton

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Tuesday, November 9


| Oglesniper 1 is a tank with an automatic rubber band gun. The gun can tilt up and down, as well as discharging two rounds of 24 rubber bands. The tank moves with two PF XL motors, and is remote controlled using the PF IR system. The Battery Box, through the IR system, directly controls the driving and gun tilting motors, while communicating with the NXT using my PF to NXT light system* to trigger the gun.
| The gun's "rounds" are just 24 tooth gears attached to a motor each. When the NXT senses that one motor has completed a full rotation (thus emptying it's round,) the second motor is used for firing instead.
| For more pictures, click HERE.