Tuesday, May 20

Wani Update: NGUI

So I thought I'd type up a quick update on what I have been doing this week. A year or two ago I played around with the free version of NGUI, which is a tool for creating the User Interface, but I didn't really understand it. Yesterday, while moping around the Unity asset store and wishing I had more money, I ran across NGUI again, and recalled my slight acquaintance with it. On the asset store it sells for a hundred bucks, but I remembered that T.E. had a free version on their site, so I ambled over there and picked it up.

It was great timing, because I had just been trying to set up a UI for Wani, and sort of failing too. Most of my games never get to the UI design stage because the only reason I was building them was to learn an aspect of Unity, and had no real intentions of finishing them. The saying goes that you shouldn't try to reinvent the wheel, but I think I do a lot of that just to try and understand the way the wheel is put together so to speak. But for Wani, my goal is to get a game out there that is playable, using only the aspects of Unity that I know and can slap down easily. Most of the textures were free on the asset store, and as far as will go, the scenery is composed of basic shapes, which means less time spent in Blender and the Gimp, and more time spent actually putting the pieces together.

In just two days of working with NGUI, I got the basic UI put together and working well for what I need; providing player control for settings, easy navigation, and the heads-up display for better gameplay. If I generate any revenue, I'll definitely buy the full version of NGUI as well as a good sound engine. As soon as I get a fully working build put together, I'll update the page on Gamejolt so ya'll can play the latest build.

Until next time folks, this here is bye bye.
-Good E. Venson

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