Sunday, May 4

Wani Update

Warehouse Ninja is coming along nicely. Basic game logic and ninja/crate interaction is worked out, and I am now moving on to the objective side. I have three objective modes planned: The classic Flag Tag mode where the goal is to reach a flag, and the score based on how few crates it took to do it. Next, I will have a survival mode scored by how many crates you can survive before being trapped. Third and finally, there is the climbing mode which is scored by how high you can climb in a narrow space. This will come in three difficulties; four, three and two crates wide.

Wani supports not only 2D horizontal and vertical movement like the original, but also movement in the Z-axis, which in Unity is forwards and backwards. The only problem I have with this is that you can't tell what blocks make up the back crates if there are crates in front of them. So while movement in all directions is fully supported, until I come up with a solution, I do not plan on releasing levels with three dimensional movement.

The band is working on learning the music, so we will have a soundtrack soon. As far as the sound effects go, I have only barely thought about it... I think with a soundtrack with real instruments, the synthetic "boing" and "crunch" sounds used in the original aren't quite right. But I won't really know till I get the game to that point and can try different things, so I'll cross that bridge later.

Well, I guess that's all for now, post any comments or ideas in the comments below, and maybe you'll see some of them in a later release. Links to the game and the original Neenja Inna Wear-Hauz can be found in my other post.
Until later folks, C'ya round the Universe.
-Good.Enough Venson

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